Building your community
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Building Your Community

Build a Thriving Premium Community on Premiunity

EdulabSocial |empowers professionals and creators to share their knowledge while building, managing, and growing their own premium online communities. Publish courses, share resources, sell digital products, and facilitate member interactions—all on one platform.

Communities on EdulabSocial |can be either Free or Paid. Paid communities can be set up with monthly or yearly subscriptions.

There are no monthly charges to build and manage your community, publish courses, resources, and more on Premiunity. We only take a small cut (10%) of each payment so that you keep the majority of what you earn.

Creating a Community

To create a community, visit the Community Creation Page.

Once your community is created, you will be redirected to the community settings page. There, you should at least fill out the description and rules sections for your community, and add a cover image and logo.

Configure Payments

If your community is paid, you should set up payments for your community. We use Stripe Connect to allow you to manage payments and subscriptions for your community. Stripe Connect lets you manage your community subscriptions completely, including setting up daily payouts, refunding members, canceling subscriptions, and more.

You will get a link on your community page that redirects you to the payment setup process. Once completed, the next step is to submit your community for review.

Submit Community for Review

We review every single community created on EdulabSocial |before listing them on the platform and allowing members to join. This ensures that all communities align with our terms and conditions and are safe for members.

Once your community is reviewed, you'll get an email indicating whether it was approved or not. If not approved, we will let you know why and what to do to fix it so that it can be approved if possible.

Acceptable Community Topics

1. Professional Development

Communities focused on career growth, skills development, and networking.

  • Examples: Leadership training, project management, career coaching.

2. Education and Learning

Communities dedicated to academic subjects, online courses, and educational resources.

  • Examples: Language learning, STEM education, online tutoring.

3. Health and Wellness

Communities promoting physical and mental well-being.

  • Examples: Fitness groups, mental health support, nutrition advice.

4. Technology and Programming

Communities centered around technology, coding, and software development.

  • Examples: Web development, artificial intelligence, open-source projects.

5. Creative Arts

Communities for artists, writers, musicians, and other creatives.

  • Examples: Photography, creative writing, music production.

6. Hobbies and Interests

Communities for various hobbies and personal interests.

  • Examples: Gardening, cooking, travel, book clubs.

7. Entrepreneurship and Business

Communities supporting business development, startups, and entrepreneurship.

  • Examples: Small business owners, startup incubators, business strategy.

8. Personal Finance

Communities focused on financial literacy, budgeting, and investment.

  • Examples: Personal budgeting, stock market investing, retirement planning.

9. Science and Research

Communities dedicated to scientific exploration and research.

  • Examples: Environmental science, space exploration, biology.

10. Social Causes and Nonprofits

Communities supporting social causes, charity work, and nonprofit organizations.

  • Examples: Environmental conservation, animal welfare, social justice advocacy.

11. Parenting and Family

Communities for parents and families.

  • Examples: Parenting tips, homeschooling, family activities.

12. Lifestyle and Well-being

Communities promoting a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

  • Examples: Minimalism, mindfulness, personal development.

13. Gaming and Entertainment

Communities centered around gaming, movies, and entertainment.

  • Examples: Video game enthusiasts, film discussion groups, fan clubs.

Prohibited Community Topics

The main goal of our platform is to provide tools for professionals and creators to create thriving communities that encourage learning and growth. To maintain a safe and positive environment, you must comply with our terms and conditions and adhere to our platform's values. The following community topics are prohibited and will not be approved on our platform.

1. Illegal Activities

Any community that promotes, encourages, or involves illegal activities.

  • Examples: Drug-related content, illegal gambling, black-hat hacking.

2. Adult Content and Services

Communities focusing on pornography, adult entertainment, or escort services.

  • Examples: Explicit adult content, adult services.

3. Hate Speech and Violence

Any community promoting hate speech, violence, or discrimination.

  • Examples: Racism, sexism, terrorism, violent extremism.

4. Weapons and Explosives

Communities related to the sale or distribution of weapons, ammunition, or explosives.

  • Examples: Firearms sales, bomb-making instructions.

5. Gambling

Communities related to betting, lotteries, or games of chance that involve monetary stakes.

  • Examples: Online casinos, sports betting.

6. Financial Services

Unauthorized financial services, including money laundering or pyramid schemes.

  • Examples: Unlicensed financial advice, fraudulent investment schemes.

7. Regulated Products

Sale or promotion of products that require regulatory approval.

  • Examples: Prescription drugs, tobacco, alcohol, CBD products without proper licenses.

8. Counterfeit Goods

Communities involved in the sale or promotion of counterfeit or unauthorized goods.

  • Examples: Fake designer products, pirated software.

9. Sensitive Events

Content exploiting or sensationalizing tragic events.

  • Examples: Fundraisers for dubious causes, exploitation of recent disasters.

10. Deceptive Practices

Communities engaged in misleading or deceptive practices.

  • Examples: False advertising, scam services.

11. Privacy Violations

Communities that violate privacy or intellectual property rights.

  • Examples: Doxxing, distributing unauthorized recordings.

12. High-Risk Businesses

Communities involved in businesses deemed high-risk.

  • Examples: Cryptocurrency exchanges, multi-level marketing (MLM) schemes.

13. Unapproved Charitable Organizations

Fundraising for charities without proper verification.

  • Examples: Unverified non-profits, suspicious crowdfunding campaigns.

Adhering to these guidelines ensures compliance with our terms and conditions and helps create a safe, supportive, and productive environment for all users on our platform. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to maintaining the integrity of our community.

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